sparqs is currently facilitating a series of workshops across Scotland, kindly hosted by institutions, to understand what a good Student Learning Experience means for students currently studying across the country’s colleges and universities. Many thanks to all those who have already hosted workshops! We have several more scheduled before the winter break, with more planned in January, and will soon be publishing information about Phase 2 of the project.
The workshops are part of a piece of work commissioned by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the funding body for colleges and universities, to redevelop the Student Learning Experience model. This updated model will form a key part of the sector’s new quality framework in universities and colleges. This framework will put the experiences of students at the centre of discussions institutions have about the quality of their learning and teaching.
As well as the workshops hosted by institutions (across a range of different levels of study and demographic groups), sparqs also invited students to attend two cross-institutional online workshops, to ensure all students in any Scottish college or university had the opportunity to contribute - Monday 28th November (universities) and Tuesday 29th November (colleges). Many thanks to everyone who came along and contributed.
Phase 2
In Phase 2 of the project, we will establish a student and staff expert group to take the research from Phase 1 forward and draft the model, facilitated by sparqs’ Development Consultants. The group will discuss the data collected as part of Phase 1, in order to draft a set of principles and practices for each building block of the new SLE model.
Watch this space for information about how you can get involved with Phase 2!
Further information and queries
You can read more about the background to this SLE project on our website.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Megan Brown, Development Consultant -
Many thanks in advance to all those offering support with this exciting piece of work!