sparqs is keen to hear from colleges and students’ associations willing to participate in a project to explore student engagement in enhancing college learner outcomes.
Responding to both national and college level data, sparqs has identified the value of better understanding and exploiting the rich perspective that can be gained through student feedback and representation systems, to enhance attainment and success for students. This is especially, though not exclusively, in light of the disruptions presented by the pandemic’s switch to blended learning, and continuing challenges in certain subjects, levels, modes and demographics of learning.
Our intention is to explore this throughout 2023, drawing on the expertise and perspective of college staff and students’ associations. Our initial aim is to convene a gathering of interested participants, in order to learn about effective practice and the challenges that exist. We hope to build from there to identify and create resources that can support colleges and students’ associations to engage students in shaping practice in this area.
How to get involved!
If your college or students’ association has particular perspectives on the challenges and priorities for learner outcomes, and you would like to be a part of this project, please discuss with relevant colleagues across your college and students’ association, visit our College learner outcomes webpage, and contact Simon Varwell, Senior Development Consultant, at