24 Feb 2015

Embedding E&D in the Curriculum – involving students in curriculum design - 15th April 2015

sparqs, HEA Scotland and NUS Scotland co-hosted an event to explore how students can be involved in designing and developing an inclusive curriculum. 

The HEA in Scotland’s Embedding Equality and Diversity in the Curriculum project supports the development of a curriculum that recognises the diversity of the student population and the need to produce graduates fit to work in a global environment.

Student involvement in the curriculum development process is an important contribution to ensure that the curriculum is truly inclusive. There are a range of tools and resources available to support the development of an inclusive curriculum and the event aimed to help people use these resources to take forward the work from a student point of view.

The event was aimed at university students, student officers and students' association staff.

The event began at 12.30 and finished at 4.30.  You can view more information about the day, including the agenda on the event page.

For more information contact Stephanie Millar, sparqs Development Advisor - stephanie.millar@sparqs.ac.uk 

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Student Engagement Framework

Planning for the year ahead

8 May 2024

sparqs’ Joint Advisory Group (JAG) will meet on 8th May 2024 with the National Education Officers’…