During the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, our dedicated hub has provided information about sparqs' refocused work plans, our forthcoming online events and support, as well as signposts to other relevant comms and resources which we feel may be of use to sector colleagues. As we move forward, the hub will still be available for reference, but will become less prominently featured as demand for it lessens, as we move out of crisis mode towards a more "business as usual" approach, albeit redefining what "usual" will look like.
Our workplans during the pandeumic were designed to build on the early successes across the sector in supporting student rep systems to ensure students were central to shaping the sector’s response to the pandemic. Going forward, as the sector begins to recover, we will be focusing on what L&T will look like going forward, building on the good practice during the pandemic that should not be lost.
Thanks to the remarkable efforts from our colleagues in colleges and universities, student rep systems have been successful and have embraced the opportunities of a digital approach.
We have continued to train new officers online, giving them the skills and knowledge to put the student voice at the centre of decision making. We completely revamped our training for course reps, to enable us to support them in their roles in a digital environment and ensure they are able to shape the ongoing responses of institutions to the pandemic and the recovery and development of the sector.
Our work will continue to keep at its heart a focus on:
- Ensuring the diversity of the student voice is heard when decisions are taken; and
- Supporting students to shape changes to learning in a way that supports student wellbeing and mental health.
The sparqs team has worked on a range of activities focused on three key areas:
- Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19 on the Student Learning Experience (SLE) and shaping responses
- Ensuring students are central to the major development projects of the sector in response to COVID-19 and beyond
- Providing Intensified Support
Our system of institutional contacts, networks and advisory groups continue to shape our support and ensure resources get to those who need them in a timely manner. Our networks will be utilised to ensure effective input into the reviews ongoing within the sector.
Where institutions are facing particular challenges, they are strongly urged to get in touch. Our priority is giving you the support you need, when you need it.
Please contact Eve Lewis, Director, if there is any aspect of our work you would like to discuss – eve.lewis@sparqs.ac.uk