Our Student Engagement Staff Network had its last meeting of 2020 on Tuesday 15th December, which was a short pre-Christmas gathering to reflect on the past term, look ahead to the new year’s challenges and opportunities, and chat informally to colleagues from around the sector.
There was no structured agenda, allowing time for free discussion, starting with a few short announcements from sparqs and allowing attendees to co-create our next full meeting scheduled for February 2021.
You can view the presentation from the session for more information.
The hashtag for the event, for use on Twitter, was #sparqsSESN
The event began at 3.00pm and finished around 4.30pm and it was free to join.
Online meeting security
The meeting took place via videoconference, with the following security arrangements:
Simply copy and paste the link you receive in your joining instructions directly into your browser. The link is not available on social media or our website and is sent by email only to those who have registered for the event. To ensure only those who have registered join the meeting, we ask that you do not share the link with anyone. You will be asked to input a password to join the meeting. When you join, you will go to a “waiting room”, a member of sparqs staff will then admit only those who have registered. If the identity of a person is not known, they will not be admitted, so please enter your name as the name you registered to attend.
If you want to discuss this meeting further please contact Simon Varwell, Senior Development Consultant – or 07815 938966.