11 May 2022

Combined meeting of sparqs' JAG, NEON and SESN


We were pleased to welcome staff and students from across our sector to a special in-person event that drew together three of our stakeholder engagement forums. Our Joint Advisory Group (JAG) was scheduled to meet in May, and we expanded the meeting to be a special combined event involving our National Education Officers’ Network (NEON) and Student Engagement Staff Network (SESN). The event was rounded off with a drinks reception by way of thanking attendees for their contributions and support during recent times. 

The theme of the meeting was “looking back, looking forward”, and aimed to reflect on the work of sparqs during a challenging 2021-22 and consider implications for the coming academic year. There were updates from sparqs staff on key developments, workshops to explore the work of sparqs and our three networks, and a chance to meet in-person with colleagues from colleges, universities, students’ associations and sector agencies across Scotland.

You can view the materials from the event below: 

The event hashtag, for use on Twitter was #sparqsMay22

Venue and timings

Our event took place at Glasgow Caledonian University’s Hamish Wood Building. The event opened at 10am for refreshments, with a 10.30am start and a 3.30pm finish. Lunch was provided. 

The event was followed by a drinks reception with wine and canapes, from 3.30pm until 4.30pm, as a way of thanking attendees for their work with us in the past year, allowing a chance to chat informally with colleagues from across the sector, and celebrate all that we have achieved together in these extraordinary recent times.

Safety requirements

While the Scottish Government had eased restrictions regarding COVID-19, the University continued to take a cautious approach to managing COVID safely on campus. Therefore, visitors were actively encourged to: 

  • Wear a facemask when indoors on campus – unless eating, drinking or are medically exempt.
  • Maintain good hand hygiene at all times.
  • Respect others’ space.
  • Keep windows open when possible.

Thanks to everyone who joined us for this day of celebrating, reflecting and shaping the future.


If you have any queries, please contact Simon Varwell, Senior Development Consultant - simon.varwell@sparqs.ac.uk - 07815 938966.

All Current & Past Events:

Student Engagement Framework

National Education Officers' Network meeting

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