4 May 2023

sparqs strategic planning day with JAG, NEON & SESN


sparqs’ Joint Advisory Group (JAG) met together on 4th May 2023 with the National Education Officers’ Network (NEON) and Student Engagement Staff Network (SESN) to explore sparqs’ future strategy.

With sparqs’ previous strategic plan 2019-22 disrupted by COVID, the next phase of sparqs’ work will build on past and current activities such as the SFC Review and changes to national quality arrangements, and move forward to new approaches in student engagement.

We welcomed members from our three forums (JAG, NEON and SESN) to this day of workshops and reflections about our sector, student engagement, and sparqs’ direction and future.  The event helped explore how sparqs can best support and learn from its stakeholders including institutions, students’ associations and sector agencies.

The event began at 10.00am and finished by 3.00pm and we thank everyone who attended and contributed.  

Lunch and other refreshments were provided and the event was free to attend. We are very grateful to Queen Margaret University for kindly hosting this event.

If you have any queries, please contact Eve Lewis, Director (eve.lewis@sparqs.ac.uk) or Nicola Cameron, Business Manager (nicola.cameron@sparqs.ac.uk).

All Current & Past Events:

Student Engagement Framework

Planning for the year ahead

8 May 2024

sparqs’ Joint Advisory Group (JAG) will meet on 8th May 2024 with the National Education Officers’…