This network meeting was aimed at those staff or student officers in universities and colleges (or their students’ associations) with responsibility for Course Rep Training, development of Course Rep Training materials, or the recruitment of course rep trainers.
The meeting was the first of a new series of three network meetings per year which will allow practitioners to share good practice, develop ideas for their own training, and inform sparqs’ work in this area.
This first meeting involved presentations from institutions, students’ associations and sparqs on various aspects of the delivery of Course Rep Training. It included a lunchtime networking session for participants to share their training materials, such as presentations, handbooks or online materials. The day concluded with an open discussion of the content for future meetings.
The day began at 10.00am with coffee and the meeting ran from 10.30am until 4.00pm.
You can view the materials from the day below:
- Agenda
- sparqs core presentation
- sparqs presentation on online Course Rep Training
- Edinburgh University Students' Association (EUSA) presentation
- Borders College Students' Association (BCSA) presentation
- Borders College Students' Association (BCSA) CRT presentation
- 'Storify' twitter summary for an overview of the day. The hashtag for the event was sparqsCRTcn
If you wish to discuss this event further please contact Simon Varwell, Development Consultant – – 07815 938966