Our strategic direction

Our last Strategic Plan 2019-22 was launched at the sparqs conference in March 2019 by Sir Andrew Cubie, our new Chair at that point.  The new plan continued much of the work in the previous plan, revised and refreshed to reflect the needs of the sector.  The plan was interrupted in 2020 as our work had to be refocused in order to respond to the COVID-19 crisis.  Much of our work was adapted for online delivery, while some pieces of work had to be paused.  Since 2022-23 we have been in an interim period while the sector underwent some significant changes, such as the SFC Review and changes to national quality arrangements. as well as a review of sparqs itself by the SFC. 

During this interim period, we have been planning the next phase of sparqs’ work, which will build on past and current activities and move forward to new approaches in student engagement.  We held an initial Strategic Planning event on 4th May 2023, along with members of our Trustee Board and members of our three key stakeholder forums, JAG, SESN and NEON. This work was paused while the review of sparqs was undertaken in 2023-24, but is being progressed in 2024-25. 

As ever, we will strive to be innovative and responsive in the design and delivery process, to ensure that we continue to use our resources effectively.

Our current Vision is that:

Students are partners in shaping the quality of learning, making positive change to their own and others’ experience, however and wherever they learn.

To make this Vision a reality, our Mission is to:

Foster a culture of partnership between students and staff which enables the Scottish education sector to respond to challenges and realise its ambitions to provide the best possible experience for each and every student.

We do this by:

  • Supporting students to develop the skills, approaches and expertise that enable them to be instrumental in enhancement activity and decision-making.


  • Supporting institutions, sector agencies and decision-making bodies to embed effective and innovative practices that enable them to harness this student expertise.

We promote and develop these approaches nationally and internationally.

The previous 2019-22 plan outlines our key Principles and Approaches which will underpin our programme of work over the coming years, in order to achieve our new Strategic Priorities:

  • Diverse Voices
  • Diverse Settings
  • Learning and Teaching
  • A Scottish Approach

You can view the last Strategic Plan for further details and our new Strategic Plan will be published during academic year 2024-25. 

If you have any queries, please contact Eve Lewis, Director. 

Student Engagement Framework

National Education Officers' Network meeting

25 Feb 2025

Our second meeting of sparqs’ National Education Officers’ Network (NEON) of 2024-25 will take place on…