As part of the current Enhancement Theme – ‘Resilient Learning Communities’ - sparqs and QAA Scotland are working collaboratively to facilitate the delivery of the Student-led Project (SLP). The SLP engages student officers from across the sector to input and shape a piece of work related to the current Theme.
This year's project focused on the theme of ‘digital communities’, exploring innovative practice from higher education institutions and students’ associations who have recreated student communities in an online environment, and what enablers and barriers they have encountered.
The key outputs of this first year of the SLP were a sector-wide online event and a webpage, hosting resources from the online event, a ‘Top Tips’ resource for students and staff on developing and running online communities, and a suite of 13 case studies of practice under three sub-themes – student rep communities, extra-curricular communities and academic communities.
You can access the webpage containing all the resources from Year 1 of the Student-Led Project, which also includes a full recording of the ‘Innovations in Digital Communities’ event and slides from all the presentations.
Read more about the Enhancement Themes and the Student-led Project on our Enhancement Themes webpage or visit QAA Scotland’s Enhancement Themes website.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Megan Brown, Development Consultant –