On Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th July 2015, sparqs held its annual quality induction event for university student officers and those who support them.
The aim of the event was to equip student officers with the knowledge and capability to use the quality enhancement agenda to deliver change for their students’ learning and teaching experience.
Objectives: by the end of the event participants would:
- Be able to describe the various elements of the Quality Enhancement Framework.
- Be able to explain the roles of the different sector agencies and what support they can provide.
- Be able to explain how quality affects the student learning experience.
- Have created an action plan to enhance the student learning experience.
There were a variety of informative and interactive sessions to explore why quality enhancement and assurance matters to students, the Quality Enhancement Framework and the Enhancement Themes. There was also be an opportunity to develop an action plan to address key priorities for learning and teaching within participants' institutions. The event involved participation from sector agencies, including QAA Scotland and NUS Scotland.
Materials from the days can be viewed on the event page.
College Quality Event
This year we are also holding a quality induction event for college student officers. The event will take place on Tuesday 13th August in Edinburgh and is now open for bookings.
For more information or if you have any questions about either event please contact Hannah Clarke, Development Advisor - hannah.clarke@sparqs.ac.uk