sparqs is holding an event on the afternoon of Tuesday 26th June 2018 to roll out our highly successful project on monitoring the diversity of course reps. During the pilot in 2017/18, we worked with four institutions and we are now working in partnership with Advance HE (formerly the Equality Challenge Unit) to roll the project out to all interested institutions.
The event is taking place at the sparqs/NUS Scotland offices in Edinburgh, aimed at anyone with an interest in this work and the capacity to take it forward within their college or university – institution or students’ association staff, as well as student officers.
Data gathering is an important part of being able to identify inequality, initiate activity and evaluate progress. It can help you to develop an evidence base, establish where there may be unfairness in your existing processes or procedures, and monitor the impact of activities designed to improve equality and diversity.
On the day, sparqs and Advance HE will tell you all about the background to the project, the benefits of undertaking this sort of research and what materials and support we will be providing participating institutions over the coming year. You’ll also get the chance to hear first-hand from a pilot college and university about the benefits of taking part, what they’re doing with the data and their top tips for success.
Come along and find out everything you need to know to monitor the diversity of course reps effectively within your own college or university.
See the event booking page for further details and to register to attend.
The hashtag for the event, for use on Twitter is #RepDiversity
For more information on the background of the project, see our Monitoring diversity of course reps webpage.
For further information about the event on 26th June, please contact Lindsay Isaacs, Development Consultant,