sparqs and Education Scotland are delighted to launch a new Toolkit for Effective Learner Engagement to support student engagement in Scotland’s colleges in this ‘recovery year’.
The resource is aligned to, and intended to be used alongside, the new Education Scotland resources ‘Our Best Future’ and sparqs’ Student Learning Experience tool, to effectively support colleges and staff to engage their students to better understand the impact of the pandemic on the Student Learning Experience.
The resource covers three of the four themes from the ‘Our Best Future’ resources:
- Curriculum, learning and teaching, and assessment.
- Services to support learning.
- Evaluation to facilitate improvement.
Each section explores the importance of learner engagement, as well as the expectations set out within the ‘Our Best Future’ resources. There is a list of questions for colleges to consider, which will assist them in focusing on engaging with their learners and consider the different ways to ensure students are engaged and able to shape and influence changes to the planning and delivery of services, including the vital role the students’ association and course reps play.
There is also a selection of key questions from the sparqs’ Student Learning Experience tool that colleges can utilise to ask learners how the pandemic has impacted on their learning experience.
The resource is intended to help colleges to not only think about short-term engagement from learners in responding to COVID-19, but also how learners can be engaged in longer-term evaluation and enhancement and planning for the future.
Join the online launch event!
sparqs and Education Scotland will formally launch the new toolkit at CDN’s Virtual Bridge event on Tuesday, 10th November (11.00-11.30am). The launch will be an opportunity for all in the sector who work in, or are interested in, learner engagement, to find out more about the resource and its application, and have some discussion as to how it might support colleges in the coming year. You can register for the event on the CDN website.
For further information, or if you have any queries, please contact Stef Black, Senior Development Consultant –