Our Student Engagement Staff Network will have its first meeting of 2021 on Tuesday 9th February from 10.00am until 1.00pm. Following consultation with network members, this meeting will be the first in our new format of monthly, half-day events.
The network is aimed at staff in universities and colleges with student engagement and academic representation development roles.
See the agenda for details of the meeting, which will include sessions on our project around monitoring the diversity of course reps, and creating and using data during COVID-19. Our usual split session will involve a college session on the 'College of the Future' and a university session on the QAA Enhancement Theme student-led project.
See the event booking page for more information and to register to join us.
The event hashtag, for use on Twitter, is #sparqsSESN
Save the dates for future meetings
we have also set the SESN meetings for the rest of the academic year, all of which will take place online, from 10.00am until 1.00pm:
- Tuesday 9th March 2021
- Thursday 15th April 2021
- Thursday 13th May 2021
- Tuesday 8th May 2021
For further information on the February meeting or SESN in general, please contact Simon Varwell, Senior Development Consultant - simon.varwell@sparqs.ac.uk