Resource Library

Welcome to our Resource Library.  It contains an ever-growing range of examples about student engagement in quality - from shaping learning to institutional governance. It is one of many channels through which you can share your student engagement practice.

During the COVID-19 crisis, while some resources were added to this Resource Library (under the COVID-19 Resources category), many are links to institutional and sector agency websites, so please visit the resources area of our COVID-19 information hub for further resources and support. 

You are welcome to search for useful resources that can help you reflect on and enhance your own practice; and of course we encourage you to submit your own examples of effective practice to help expand and share the sector's wealth of knowledge.

Each resource takes the form of either a downloadable file or a web link.

How to use the Resource Library

You can browse through all our resources by clicking on any of the categories below.  Another way of finding resources that would be useful to you is to search using the box on the right for popular or common terms - for example "course rep", "curriculum" or the name of an institution.

How to contribute to the Resource Library

We keenly welcome ongoing submissions to the Resource Library of effective practice from throughout the sector - and indeed from throughout the world.  Whether it's a clear and concise course rep job description, a well-designed module evaluation form that renders you really meaningful ideas from students, a representative training programme, a research project, or case study on major institutional change, we'd love to add it.

So if you have a resource you would like to submit, please download this form and return it to us. We will then upload your resource and, if needed, get back to you to discuss it.

Finally, we aim to continually develop and improve the Resource Library, and so your feedback is important. If you have any questions or comments about how it works, please contact us.


All copyright and other intellectual property rights with regard to sparqs materials reside directly with sparqs. Without the prior written permission of sparqs, you may not copy, modify, alter, publish, broadcast, distribute, sell or transfer any sparqs materials on the website. However, sparqs materials may be downloaded, printed or copied for your personal non-commercial use, as long as sparqs is credited. You may re-copy downloaded sparqs materials from the website for others provided it is not for your profit.

Engagement and Partnership Awards - Robert Gordon University

Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) Guidance - sparqs

Recognising Achievement Beyond the Curriculum: A Toolkit for Enhancing Strategy and Practice - QAA

Recognition and Accreditation of Academic Reps Guidance - sparqs

Student / Staff Engagement and Recognition - Kilmarnock College (now Ayrshire College)

Student Leaders Programme - Glasgow Caledonian University

Supporting Sabbatical Officers as they leave office - University of St Andrews Students

Creating Impactful Student Associations - NUS Scotland and West Lothian College SA

Enhancing T&L through dialogue: student/staff partnership model - Uni of Huddersfield

Students as Partners in Assessment: A Literature Scoping Review - Dublin City University

Talking About Quality: Student Engagement - University of Bath

Understanding the SU's key relationships: The Cadogan Matrice

A Partnership Approach to Curriculum Design and Delivery - Edinburgh Napier University

Activities at Bradford College

Case Study: Class Rep Away Day - Shetland College UHI

Class Rep Reference Point Posters - Angus College (Now: Dundee & Angus College)

Communicating College Merger to Students - Fife College

Course rep handbook - Edinburgh University

Course representation at school-level (Informatics, Edinburgh University)

Course Representative Dialogue Sheets - Edinburgh Napier University

Course Representatives Faculty Forum Pre-meet Form - Kingston University

Course Representatives SSCC Pre-meet Form - Kingston University

Creating a project to develop student representation - Highlands and Islands Region (UHI)

Creating Impactful Student Associations - NUS Scotland and West Lothian College SA

Decolonising the Curriculum from a student perspective - University of Glasgow

Developing a merged students' association - Glasgow Clyde College

Developing Effective Student Staff Partnerships - Kingston University

Doctoral Researchers' Group (DRG) case study - University of Strathclyde

Engagement with Merger Options Appraisal - Banff & Buchan College (Now: NE Scotland College)

Enhancing the Student Led Teaching Awards (SLTA) Process - University of St Andrews Students Association

Feedback, Evaluation and Development of an Enquiry Based Learning Module - Manchester University

Full Circle Feedback on the Student Rep Experience: From Rep to Staff - Robert Gordon University

Inclusive education research - The University of Edinburgh (Students as Change Agents programme)

InterACT Leaflet on Feedback - Dundee University

Introducing a Funded Student President - Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

Involving Students in Curriculum Design - Cardiff University

Learner Engagement - John Wheatley College (Now: Glasgow Kelvin College)

Learner Engagement and the Lead Rep system - Dundee College (Now: Dundee & Angus College)

Learner Engagement of Hospitality Students - Elmwood College - land-based (Now:SRUC)

Learner Summit - James Watt College (Now: Ayrshire College)

Learner Voice Conference - Cumbernauld College (Now: New College Lanarkshire)

Miro Board as a Method of Collecting Feedback - Robert Gordon University Students' Union

One minute papers for student feedback - University of Strathclyde

PG Course Representative Scheme 2012 - Kingston University

Student Academic Partners - Birmingham University

Student Engagement Strategy 2020 - University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)

Student Leaders Programme - Glasgow Caledonian University

Student Panel (COVID) - University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)

Student Partnership Agreement 2020-21 - University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)

Student Perspective: Students as Change Agents - University of Exeter

Student Rep Conference - Glasgow Caledonian University

Student Representative Handbook - Robert Gordon University

Students as active partners in shaping their learning experience - Leeds Trinity University College

Students as Change Agents - JISC Conference

Students Matter - University of Dundee

Supporting Sabbatical Officers as they leave office - University of St Andrews Students

The Chair Case Study - Cumbernauld College (Now: New College Lanarkshire)

The Creation of an Independent Study Module - Newcastle University

A toolkit for effective learner engagement - sparqs and Education Scotland

Course Rep Recruitment resources - sparqs

How to be an Effective Rep Online - Strathclyde Union Rep Team

Inducting education officers during the COVID-19 crisis - sparqs

Miro Board as a Method of Collecting Feedback - Robert Gordon University Students' Union

Partnership and Representation Rainbow infographic - Robert Gordon University

Preparing your course rep system and recruiting your reps during COVID-19 - sparqs

Staying Well Survey - Robert Gordon University

Student Panel (COVID) - University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)

A toolkit for effective learner engagement - sparqs and Education Scotland

Briefing note for staff on the SFC Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability - sparqs

Briefing note to officers (Dec 2020) : SFC Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability - sparqs

Briefing note to officers: SFC Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability (Mar 2021) - sparqs

Course Rep Lifecycle planning tool - sparqs

Course Rep Training materials for postgraduate research students - Glasgow University SRC

Departmental Councils card sort - sparqs

ECSA Learning & Teaching Report 2017 - Edinburgh College Students Association

FE Mapping Report - sparqs

HE Mapping Report - sparqs

How to write an Annual Quality Report - QAA, NUS & TSEP

Learning from ELIR 2008-2011: Student Representation and Engagement in Quality - QAA

Learning from students in ELIR preparation - The Robert Gordon University

Online and blended learning: best practice for a successful student induction - sparqs

Online and blended learning: reflective questions for students and staff - sparqs

Public Speaking - An Intro for Class Reps - Workshop Materials - Glasgow Caledonian University SA

Quality and Student Engagement Online Course - NUS & QAA

Scotland's Ambition for Student Partnership - sparqs

Scottish Quality Concerns Scheme in context - student guide - sparqs

Self-Evaluation and Action Plan (SEAP) guidance for SAs and student officers - sparqs

Shaping surveys of students following lockdown - University of St Andrews

Student Learning Experience model - sparqs

Student Partnership Staircase - sparqs

Students as Partners in Assessment: A Literature Scoping Review - Dublin City University

Suggested questions for Course Reps to use 2024-25 - sparqs

z_ARCHIVED: ELIR Cycle 4 Handbook and Guidance - QAA Scotland

z_ARCHIVED: ELIR Cycle 4 Practice Guide - sparqs

Enhancement Themes Transitions leaflet - QAA Scotland and sparqs

Responding to Student Needs - Co-Responsibility Students and Institutions - Aberdeen University

A Student Engagement Project Report - Dr D.Doherty (Cardiff School of Engineering)

ABCD of Effective Feedback - sparqs

An alternative to lengthy questionnaires - sparqs

Course Representative Dialogue Sheets - Edinburgh Napier University

Engaging students in Institution-led Review - a practice guide for universities and SAs - sparqs

Engaging students in Institution-led Review - Executive Summary - sparqs

Feedback on Assessment toolkits - University of Dundee

Grid for developing tools of feedback from students - sparqs

How to write an Annual Quality Report - QAA, NUS & TSEP

InterACT Leaflet on Feedback - Dundee University

Learner Summit - James Watt College (Now: Ayrshire College)

Learner Voice Conference - Cumbernauld College (Now: New College Lanarkshire)

Learning from students in ELIR preparation - The Robert Gordon University

Miro Board as a Method of Collecting Feedback - Robert Gordon University Students' Union

Module Evaluation Leaflet - Queen Margaret University

One minute papers for student feedback - University of Strathclyde

Outcomes from Institutional Audit Student Engagement - QAA

Self-Evaluation and Action Plan (SEAP) guidance for SAs and student officers - sparqs

Student Panel (COVID) - University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)

The Chair Case Study - Cumbernauld College (Now: New College Lanarkshire)

What students think of HE: Analysis of student submissions 2011-12 - QAA

You Said We Did! - University of Strathclyde

z_ARCHIVED: A detailed timeline of Student Engagement "What you need to do" points in the ELIR 4 cycle - sparqs

z_ARCHIVED: ELIR Cycle 4 Handbook and Guidance - QAA Scotland

z_ARCHIVED: ELIR Cycle 4 Practice Guide - sparqs

A Partnership Approach to Curriculum Design and Delivery - Edinburgh Napier University

A Student Engagement Project Report - Dr D.Doherty (Cardiff School of Engineering)

ABCD of Effective Feedback - sparqs

Best Practice Report - Strathclyde University

Decolonising the Curriculum from a student perspective - University of Glasgow

ECSA Learning & Teaching Report 2017 - Edinburgh College Students Association

Engaging Students in Online Distance Learning - sparqs

Enhanced Student Engagement: Collaborative Evaluation of a Research Module - Glasgow University

Enhancing T&L through dialogue: student/staff partnership model - Uni of Huddersfield

Enhancing the Student Led Teaching Awards (SLTA) Process - University of St Andrews Students Association

Facilitating Engagement for Students with Learning Differences and Disabilities - HEA

Feedback on Assessment toolkits - University of Dundee

Feedback, Evaluation and Development of an Enquiry Based Learning Module - Manchester University

Hearing the Student Voice Involving Students in Curriculum Design and Development - Various

How to be an Effective Rep Online - Strathclyde Union Rep Team

Learner Engagement: A Review of Learner Voice Initiatives Across UK Education Sectors - BECTA

Learner Voice Leaflet - Aberdeen College

Should Students Participate in Curriculum Design? - C.Bovill, K.Morss, C.J.Bully (Glasgow University

Student / Staff Engagement and Recognition - Kilmarnock College (now Ayrshire College)

Student Engagement in Curriculum Development - John Moore

Student Engagement in L&T Quality Management: A Study of UK Practices - University of Bath

Student Engagement with Learning for Sustainability - Dumfries and Galloway College

Student Experience Research 2012 Part 1 Teaching and Learning - NUS and QAA

Student Experience Research 2012 Part 2 Independent Learning and Contact Hours - NUS and QAA

Student Learning and Teaching Network - Warwick University

Student Led Learning - It can work - University West of Scotland

Student Perspective: Students as Change Agents - University of Exeter

Students and Staff Co-creating the Curriculum - C.Bovill (Glasgow University)

Students as active partners in shaping their learning experience - Leeds Trinity University College

Students as Change Agents - JISC Conference

Students as Change Agents - University of Cumbria

Students as Partners in Assessment: A Literature Scoping Review - Dublin City University

Students Expectations and Perceptions of Higher Education by Kings College London

Systematic Literature Review of "Hard to Reach" Students and methods of Inclusive Engagement - University of Cambridge

Talking About Quality: Student Engagement - University of Bath

Teaching Awards - Edinburgh University Students Association

The Creation of an Independent Study Module - Newcastle University

The Shaping History Project - John Moores University

Tool for Developing a Forum for Students on Online Courses - sparqs

A guide to inducting students association education officers - sparqs

ABCD of Effective Feedback - sparqs

An induction guide for Academic Representation Co-ordinators - sparqs

Beyond Borders - sparqs and NUS

Case Study: Class Rep Away Day - Shetland College UHI

Change is Good. Honest - Talat Yaqoob

Class Rep Health Check Activity - Perth College UHI

Class Rep Reference Point Posters - Angus College (Now: Dundee & Angus College)

Class Rep Training Materials - Glasgow Caledonian University Students' Association

Course rep handbook - Edinburgh University

Course Rep Lifecycle planning tool - sparqs

Course Rep Recruitment resources - sparqs

Course Rep Training (Introductory) - sparqs

Course Rep Training for Apprentice Reps - sparqs

Course Rep Training for ESOL Students - sparqs

Course Rep Training for Students in Supported Education - sparqs

Course Rep Training for Taught Postgraduate Course Reps - sparqs

Course Rep Training materials for postgraduate research students - Glasgow University SRC

Course representation at school-level (Informatics, Edinburgh University)

Course Representative Dialogue Sheets - Edinburgh Napier University

Creating a project to develop student representation - Highlands and Islands Region (UHI)

Creating and reviewing student engagement roles - sparqs

Creating Excellent Student Experiences through Partnership Working - Napier SA

Creating Impactful Student Associations - NUS Scotland and West Lothian College SA

Decolonising the Curriculum from a student perspective - University of Glasgow

Departmental Councils card sort - sparqs

Departmental Representation Toolkit - sparqs

Developing a merged students' association - Glasgow Clyde College

Developing Effective Student Staff Partnerships - Kingston University

Doctoral Researchers' Group (DRG) case study - University of Strathclyde

Effective Participation in Meetings - Perth College UHI

Framework for the Development of Strong and Effective College Students

Full Circle Feedback on the Student Rep Experience: From Rep to Staff - Robert Gordon University

Guidance on Student Partnership Agreements (Colleges) - sparqs

Guidance on Student Partnership Agreements (Universities) - sparqs

Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) Guidance - sparqs

How to be an Effective Rep Online - Strathclyde Union Rep Team

Inducting education officers during the COVID-19 crisis - sparqs

Induction Information for Student Representative Committee Members - UHI

Introducing a Funded Student President - Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

Introduction to the course rep role - sparqs

Learner Engagement and the Lead Rep system - Dundee College (Now: Dundee & Angus College)

Learner Summit - James Watt College (Now: Ayrshire College)

Learner Voice Conference - Cumbernauld College (Now: New College Lanarkshire)

Learner Voice Leaflet - Aberdeen College

Learning from ELIR 2008-2011: Student Representation and Engagement in Quality - QAA

Mastersness Toolkit - QAA Scotland

Methodology for Strategic Conversations - sparqs (DCSA project)

Miro Board as a Method of Collecting Feedback - Robert Gordon University Students' Union

Online and blended learning: best practice for a successful student induction - sparqs

Online and blended learning: reflective questions for students and staff - sparqs

Online Student Learning Experience Model - Perth College UHI

Outcomes from Institutional Audit Student Engagement - QAA

Partnership and Representation Rainbow infographic - Robert Gordon University

PG Course Representative Scheme 2012 - Kingston University

Postgraduate Research Student Representation Leaflets - Glasgow Caledonian University SA

Preparing Student Reps for Participation in Course Committee Meetings - Perth College UHI

Preparing your course rep system and recruiting your reps during COVID-19 - sparqs

Public Speaking - An Intro for Class Reps - Workshop Materials - Glasgow Caledonian University SA

Responding to Student Needs - Co-Responsibility Students and Institutions - Aberdeen University

Rethinking the Values of Higher Education - W.Streeting & G.Wise NUS UK

Scotland's Ambition for Student Partnership - sparqs

Shaping surveys of students following lockdown - University of St Andrews

Student Academic Partners - Birmingham University

Student Academic Partners Scheme - Birmingham City University

Student Engagement Action Plan - UHI

Student Engagement Strategy 2020 - University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)

Student Learning Experience model - sparqs

Student Partnership Agreement 2020-21 - University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)

Student Partnership Agreements Poster - sparqs

Student Partnership Staircase - sparqs

Student Rep Conference - Glasgow Caledonian University

Student Representative Handbook - Robert Gordon University

Student Representative Training via Flip-Classroom Method - University of St Andrews

Students as Partners - The Higher Education Academy

Students as Partners in Blending Learning - University of Wolverhampton

Students Matter - University of Dundee

Suggested questions for Course Reps to use 2024-25 - sparqs

Theory of partnership: Ladder of Citizen Participation - Sherry R Arnstein

Tool for mapping student engagement in institutional structures - sparqs

VBase Volunteering - Setting the challenge for students - Napier SA

Visual Engagement Mechanisms to Promote Representation & Partnership - Robert Gordon University

What is Partnership? exercise - sparqs

A Student Engagement Project Report - Dr D.Doherty (Cardiff School of Engineering)

A Synthesis of Practice and Effects in Student Engagement - DR K.Wimpenny (Coventry University)

Assessing the Value and Impact of services that support students - The Student Services Organisation

Dimensions of Quality - The Higher Education Academy

Enhanced Student Engagement: Collaborative Evaluation of a Research Module - Glasgow University

Enhancing T&L through dialogue: student/staff partnership model - Uni of Huddersfield

Evidence Base for Student Engagement - University of Lancaster

Exploring Students Understanding of Belonging on Campus - Bradfrord University

FE Mapping Report - sparqs

HE Mapping Report - sparqs

Hearing the Student Voice Involving Students in Curriculum Design and Development - Various

Inclusive education research - The University of Edinburgh (Students as Change Agents programme)

Learner Engagement: A Review of Learner Voice Initiatives Across UK Education Sectors - BECTA

Learning from ELIR 2008-2011: Student Representation and Engagement in Quality - QAA

Outcomes from Institutional Audit Student Engagement - QAA

Raising Awareness of Behaviours that Impede good Tutor-Student Relationships - FERRN

Recognition and Accreditation of Academic Reps Guidance - sparqs

Report to HEFCE on Student Engagement - Centre for Higher Education Research & Information

Responding to Student Needs - Co-Responsibility Students and Institutions - Aberdeen University

Should Students Participate in Curriculum Design? - C.Bovill, K.Morss, C.J.Bully (Glasgow University

Student Engagement in Curriculum Development - John Moore

Student Engagement in L&T Quality Management: A Study of UK Practices - University of Bath

Student Experience Research 2012 Part 1 Teaching and Learning - NUS and QAA

Student Experience Research 2012 Part 2 Independent Learning and Contact Hours - NUS and QAA

Student Experience Research 2012 Part 3 Subject Differences - NUS and QAA

Student Experience Research 2012 Part 4 First Year Student Experience - NUS and QAA

Student Perspective: Students as Change Agents - University of Exeter

Students and Staff Co-creating the Curriculum - C.Bovill (Glasgow University)

Students as Co Producers of the Curriculum - University of Lincoln

Students as Partners in Assessment: A Literature Scoping Review - Dublin City University

Students Expectations and Perceptions of Higher Education by Kings College London

Surveys of Student Engagement in the UK - P.Taylor, J.Koskela, G.Lee (Univesity of Warwick)

Systematic Literature Review of "Hard to Reach" Students and methods of Inclusive Engagement - University of Cambridge

The Academic Experience of Students in English Universities

The Shaping History Project - John Moores University

Transnational Student Engagement: The Invisible Students? - Rebecca Maxwell Stuart

Use of Student Surveys to Measure Student Behaviours Rather Than Satisfaction - Worcester University

What students think of HE: Analysis of student submissions 2011-12 - QAA

A guide to inducting students association education officers - sparqs

A Student Engagement Framework for Scotland - sparqs and sector partners

A toolkit for effective learner engagement - sparqs and Education Scotland

ABCD of Effective Feedback - sparqs

An alternative to lengthy questionnaires - sparqs

An induction guide for Academic Representation Co-ordinators - sparqs

Beyond Borders - sparqs and NUS

Briefing note for staff on the SFC Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability - sparqs

Briefing note to officers (Dec 2020) : SFC Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability - sparqs

Briefing note to officers: SFC Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability (Mar 2021) - sparqs

Course Rep Lifecycle planning tool - sparqs

Course Rep Recruitment resources - sparqs

Course Rep Training (Introductory) - sparqs

Course Rep Training for Apprentice Reps - sparqs

Course Rep Training for ESOL Students - sparqs

Course Rep Training for Students in Supported Education - sparqs

Course Rep Training for Taught Postgraduate Course Reps - sparqs

Creating and reviewing student engagement roles - sparqs

Departmental Councils card sort - sparqs

Departmental Representation Toolkit - sparqs

Developing the future careers of SA education officers: outduction toolkit - sparqs et al

Engaging students in Institution-led Review - a practice guide for universities and SAs - sparqs

Engaging students in Institution-led Review - Executive Summary - sparqs

Engaging Students in Online Distance Learning - sparqs

Enhancement Themes Transitions leaflet - QAA Scotland and sparqs

Enhancing Course Rep Activities - sparqs

Grid for developing tools of feedback from students - sparqs

Guidance on Student Partnership Agreements (Colleges) - sparqs

Guidance on Student Partnership Agreements (Universities) - sparqs

Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) Guidance - sparqs

Inducting education officers during the COVID-19 crisis - sparqs

Intersectionality Checklist - sparqs, NUS Scotland and Advance HE

Introduction to the course rep role - sparqs

Methodology for Strategic Conversations - sparqs (DCSA project)

Online and blended learning: best practice for a successful student induction - sparqs

Online and blended learning: reflective questions for students and staff - sparqs

Preparing your course rep system and recruiting your reps during COVID-19 - sparqs

Professional standards framework for student engagement - sparqs

Recognition and Accreditation of Academic Reps Guidance - sparqs

Scotland's Ambition for Student Partnership - sparqs

Scottish Quality Concerns Scheme in context - student guide - sparqs

Self-Evaluation and Action Plan (SEAP) guidance for SAs and student officers - sparqs

Staff Workshop (Engaging students in the quality of learning and teaching) - sparqs

Student Engagement in Gender Action Plans - Benchmarking & Development Tool - sparqs

Student Learning Experience model - sparqs

Student Partnership Agreements Poster - sparqs

Student Partnership Staircase - sparqs

Suggested questions for Course Reps to use 2024-25 - sparqs

Supporting International Students - sparqs and NUS

Supporting Senior Student Officers in Universities - sparqs

Theory of partnership: Ladder of Citizen Participation - Sherry R Arnstein

Tool for Developing a Forum for Students on Online Courses - sparqs

Tool for mapping student engagement in institutional structures - sparqs

What is Partnership? exercise - sparqs

z_ARCHIVED: A detailed timeline of Student Engagement "What you need to do" points in the ELIR 4 cycle - sparqs

z_ARCHIVED: ELIR Cycle 4 Practice Guide - sparqs

A guide to inducting students association education officers - sparqs

A toolkit for effective learner engagement - sparqs and Education Scotland

Benchmarking Student Rep Systems - Association for Managers in Students

Departmental Representation Toolkit - sparqs

Developing the future careers of SA education officers: outduction toolkit - sparqs et al

Engaging Students in Online Distance Learning - sparqs

Enhancing the Student Led Teaching Awards (SLTA) Process - University of St Andrews Students Association

Feedback on Assessment toolkits - University of Dundee

Framework for the Development of Strong and Effective College Students

Guidance on the employment of college officers and staff - NUS Scotland

How to write an Annual Quality Report - QAA, NUS & TSEP

Intersectionality Checklist - sparqs, NUS Scotland and Advance HE

Ladder of student participation in curriculum design - Catherine Bovill (Glasgow University)

Learner Manifesto - University of the West of Scotland

Library and Learning Centre User Guide - Dundee College (Now: Dundee & Angus College)

Mastersness Toolkit - QAA Scotland

Recognising Achievement Beyond the Curriculum: A Toolkit for Enhancing Strategy and Practice - QAA

Student Engagement in Gender Action Plans - Benchmarking & Development Tool - sparqs

Student Engagement in Gender Action Plans Checklist - NUS Scotland

Student Engagement with Learning for Sustainability - Dumfries and Galloway College

Students as Change Agents - University of Cumbria

Supporting Sabbatical Officers as they leave office - University of St Andrews Students

The Chair Case Study - Cumbernauld College (Now: New College Lanarkshire)

Tool for Developing a Forum for Students on Online Courses - sparqs

Using the Student Voice to Enhance Academic Practice - Napier University

Viewpoints - Curriculum Design - University of Ulster