Training for ESOL students

Our ESOL training is designed to support the development of ESOL (English as a Second or Other Language) students. It will help them understand student representation, the role of course reps andthe process of electing their own reps. The materials are designed for institutions to download and deliver in-house. However, please contact us if you require support from sparqs to help deliver initial sessions, customise the materials, etc.

The training is made up of four parts and is designed to be delivered to the whole class. It incorporates language development tasks throughout. There are no timings given for each section and they can be delivered at the speed that suits the students’ understanding. However, generally, the training has been designed so that each of the four parts is likely to take around an hour.

Thanks go to the staff and students of the ESOL Department of Edinburgh College who helped design, develop and pilot the materials.

ESOL training materials

If you have difficulty downloading the presentation (which may depend on the type of browser you are using) please contact us to request it by email.

In 2016-17 sparqs were asked to take part in a work-stream of the Scottish Government’s Welcoming our Learners: Scotland’s ESOL Strategy 2015-2020. The work-stream focused on developing the ESOL Learner Voice. One of its recommendations was to share more widely the sparqs training materials to support ESOL students’ understanding of representation.

For more information about this, please email us at

Student Engagement Framework

Student Engagement Staff Network meeting

8 Oct 2024

The first meeting of our Student Engagement Staff Network (SESN) for academic year 2024-25 will take…