That's Quality! Universities is our quality induction event for university officers and those who support them, designed to help new officers engage in quality processes at the university level. In line with the move to a teriary quality system, in 2022 the event was delivered partly university-specific and partly tertiary. In 2023 the event is more fully tertiary and we are no longer holding separate college and university events.
All the previous That's Quality! Universities event pages are still available below for reference.
That's Quality! Universities 2022
The 2022 event was split into three parts. The first part of That’s Quality! Universities was a one-day online event on Wednesday 20th July, followed by an online self-study module, providing officers with a more detailed overview of quality in Scotland. Finally, we held a residential event on Monday 8th & Tuesday 9th August in Dundee, which was a joint event with delegates from the college sector. The joint event included a dinner on the first evening, allowing for some much-missed social and networking opportunities.
See the event page for further details and the materials from That's Quality! Universities 2022.
That's Quality! Universities 2021
The 2021 event took place over Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th July, in an online format, due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Content was adapted to ensure the event was relevant to the circumstances of the time and a pre-course module was required to be completed in advance. See the event page for more information and to view the materials from the days.
That's Quality! Universities 2020
The 2020 event took place on Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th July 2020, in an online format, due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Content was adapted to ensure the event was relevant to the circumstances of the time, and the format involved short manageable blocks, spread across the two days. See the event page for further information from the days.
That's Quality! Universities 2019
The 2019 event took place on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th July 2019, at West Park Conference Centre in Dundee. See the event page for further details and the resources from the event.
That's Quality! Universities 2018
The 2018 event took place on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th July 2018, at University of Stirling's Stirling Court Hotel. See the event page for further details and the resources from the event.
That's Quality! Universities 2017
The 2017 event place on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th July at West Park Conference Centre in Dundee. See the event page for further information and the materials from the day.
That's Quality! Universities 2016
The 2016 event took place on 12th & 13th July 2016 in Dundee - see the event webpage for further information and the materials from the days.
That's Quality! Universities 2015
The 2015 event took place on 14th and 15th July 2015 in Edinburgh (increased to a 2-day event in 2015). See the event page for full details, including the objectives of the event and all the materials from the days.
That's Quality! Universities 2014
That’s Quality! 2014 took place on 23rd of September 2014 and you can view the materials from the day.
That's Quality! Universities 2013
That's Quality! 2013 was held on 6th August 2013. Click here to view the materials.