Training for Apprentices

If you would like to arrange training for Apprentice Reps, please contact us at to discuss your needs.

In addition to our Apprentice Rep Training materials, we have also developed an introductory presentation, designed for institutions to generate interest amongst reps in the first instance. See below for futher details.

The training is aimed at newly elected apprentice reps who have not attended training before. It aims to develop confidence in their role, as being an apprentice rep for the first time can be a daunting prospect.

Our usual face-to-face training is designed to be delivered to between 12-25 apprentices per session.  It lasts 2 hours and is split into 2 parts. The first part looks at the role of the apprentice rep and what the Apprentice Learning Experience is, while the second half takes the rep through the process they would go through as a rep.

It covers:

  • Effective communication.
  • Gathering apprentice opinion.
  • Providing effective feedback.
  • Developing solutions to issues.
  • Meeting skills.

If you have any queries, please contact Nicola Cameron, Business Manager -  

Generating interest amongst your apprentices

We have developed the following presentation as an introduction to the Apprentice Learning Experience, for colleges to use to generate initial interest amongst apprentices:

This presentation focuses more on introducing the apprentices to the concept of learning and teaching and how they can effectively feed back about their experience at college, whilst also introducing them to the role of the apprentice rep. Those interested in becoming a rep can then attend a training session, the materials for which are below.

Apprentice Rep training materials

If you have difficulty downloading the presentations (which may depend on the type of browser you are using) please contact us to request them by email.


Tailored support

We have previously worked with colleges to tailor our materials to meet their specific needs and help develop their apprentice rep schemes. Therefore, if you are interested in this training, we are keen to discuss your requirements and how we can best support you.


To read more about our wider work in developing the apprentice voice in both colleges and workplaces, please see our Apprentice Voice webpage.

Student Engagement Framework

National Education Officers' Network meeting

25 Feb 2025

Our second meeting of sparqs’ National Education Officers’ Network (NEON) of 2024-25 will take place on…