sparqs Introductory Course Rep Training materials are available in Gaelic, translated with support from the Scottish Funding Council’s strategic development fund for Gaelic in 2014-15.
The training is aimed at newly elected course reps who have not attended training before. It aims to develop confidence in their role, as being a course rep for the first time can be a daunting prospect.
The training is designed to be delivered to between 12-25 delegates per session. It lasts 2 hours and is split into two parts. The first looks at the role of the course rep and what the Student Learning Experience is, while the second half takes the rep through the process they would go through as a rep. It covers:
- Gathering student opinion.
- Providing effective feedback.
- Developing solutions to issues.
- How to get your problem fixed.
- Meeting skills.
- Closing the feedback loop.
The materials are available below for download:
Introductory Training - Gaelic Language
If you have difficulty downloading the presentation (which may depend on the type of browser you are using) please contact us to request them by email.
- Presentation - Gaelic
- Workbook - Gaelic
- Tutor notes in Gaelic are available to institutions on request.
For more information about this, please email us at