12 Jun 2012

SLEEC (Student Learning Enhancement and Engagement Campaign)

At its event in May 2012, SLEEC divided participants into different groups, one for college students and the other for university students. This allowed the groups to focus on particular issues that were unique to them. Colleges discussed their experiences of the Learner Engagement Questionnaire, as part of the HMIE review process. Universities spoke about developments in the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) project and were updated on the progress with Key Information Sets (KIS).

The students from colleges were able to identify shared experiences when they had used the Learner Engagement Questionnaire, such as finding the language inaccessible, and mixed feedback on their reports after the students’ associations had submitted them to Education Scotland. These findings will inform some of the work that sparqs is already doing with Education Scotland around improving the Learner Engagement Questionnaire.

The university students discussed how they had been involved in the development of HEAR within their institutions. A key element of the discussion was around what roles could be included in section 6.1, such as course reps and sabbatical officers, and how these functions could be verified by the university.

SLEEC is a joint project between sparqs and NUS Scotland. Issues explored through SLEEC have included the updating of the quality arrangements, Public Information, Key Information Sets and Student Partnership Agreements.

SLEEC has three main elements which are shaping policy, supporting education campaigns in students’ associations and providing resources. The campaign provides opportunities for students to gain the knowledge and skills to influence what is happening on big education issues. This includes sharing ideas and good practices, but also provides support to help associations engage with their own representative structures and students on national and local issues.

For more information contact Megan McHaney, sparqs Development Advisor, at Megan.McHaney@sparqs.ac.uk

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