7 Sep 2018

Training for Apprentice Reps

As the new academic year gets underway, we thought it would be a good time to remind everyone about the training package for apprentices that sparqs offers. We have two different sessions available, the first being an introductory session designed for colleges to use to drum up interest amongst reps, the second being actual apprentice rep training for elected reps, which is delivered by sparqs.

An Introduction to the Apprentice Learning Experience

We have developed this session as an introduction to critical thinking around learning when the apprentice is in the taught part of their apprenticeship. The session focuses on introducing apprentices to the concept of learning and teaching, and how they can effectively feedback about their experience at college. The materials include an introductory presentation designed for institutions to generate interest amongst apprentices.

Apprentice Rep Training

The training, delivered by sparqs, is aimed at newly elected apprentice reps who have not attended training before. Whilst focusing on introducing the concept of learning and teaching and the importance of effective feedback, the session also seeks to develop confidence in the role, as being an apprentice rep for the first time can be a daunting prospect.

The training is designed for delivery to between 12-20 apprentices per session. Each session lasts 2 hours and is split into 2 parts. The first part looks at the role of the apprentice rep and what the Apprentice Learning Experience is, while the second half takes the rep through the processes they would follow whilst in the role.

The training covers:

  • Effective communication.
  • Gathering apprentice opinion.
  • Providing effective feedback.
  • Developing solutions to issues.
  • Developing meeting skills.


The sparqs materials have recently been tailored for use during inductions for apprentices at Forth Valley College. The Students’ Association team gave a fabulous presentation and sparqs delivered the introductory information material. The sessions went really well and all of the apprentices in attendance seemed to value the content. So much so that we had two apprentices per session sign up to become apprentice reps. With more inductions scheduled at Forth Valley during September and a full training day for the new apprentice rep cohort booked in for October we are really excited about the level of apprentice engagement moving forward.

If any other colleges would like support in developing an apprentice rep scheme, please get in touch with Morven Stewart to discuss.

To find out more and book Apprentice Rep training sessions, please see our Training for Apprentice webpage.

To read more about our wider work in developing the apprentice voice in colleges and workplaces, please see our Apprentice Voice webpage.

To view all of our Course Rep Training packages (some for delivery by sparqs, some for download and in-house delivery), please see our main CRT webpage.

If you require further information on the Apprentice Rep training, please contact Morven Stewart, Development Consultant - morven.stewart@sparqs.ac.uk

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