29 Mar 2021

New briefing note for officers on the SFC Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability

We are pleased to publish our latest briefing note for student officers around the ongoing SFC Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability.  The purpose of this latest briefing note is to explore student engagement in the review as it enters into the third and final stage. It is intended for all student officers, including Presidents, Vice Presidents and relevant part-time officers within the students’ association. 

This briefing note follows on from the first briefing note sent to student officers in December 2020, as well as a briefing note for institutions in February 2021 (developed in partnership with SFC) to help staff explore the best ways to engage students as the review develops.

In recent weeks, the SFC has confirmed eight core workstreams that will be further explored in the review; this briefing focuses on Workstream 5 – Digital.  Student engagement in all of the workstreams is important, but we know that the digital learning environment has impacted every single student studying at a college or university in Scotland over the last 12 months, and there is still much to understand and consider in terms of what this means for the future use of technology in our learning and teaching practices across the sector. sparqs has put together a suggested list of questions for discussion, that will be useful to explore with students at your institution to better understand what specific outcomes are wanted from the review.

The briefing also touches on some other questions you may want to start exploring in preparation for future engagement with the other workstreams. We anticipate that over the coming weeks and months student panels may be set up to specifically engage with review workstreams, volunteers with specific interests or expertise may be sought to be involved in different discussions, and student officers will be invited to take part in conversations around key themes.

sparqs will do its best to keep you updated around any of these developments.  It has been an agenda item at many of our recent events and meetings, such as SESN, NEON and our College and University Advisory Groups, both to help inform and engage staff and officers in helping students to contribute to the review, as well as allowing sparqs and the SFC to hear the student voice. 

If you would like to discuss the review in more detail, please get in touch with Stef Black, Senior Development Consultant, stef.black@sparqs.ac.uk or Eve Lewis, Director, eve.lewis@sparqs.ac.uk.

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