Student Representative Training via Flip-Classroom Method - University of St Andrews

This resource introduces the pilot resources of the flip-classroom delivery for University of St Andrews' training of Class Representatives and School Presidents. These were all required watching prior to a 1.5 hour in-person training focused on networking, community building, and practical skills use, built upon the idea that basic knowledge of the issues involved in the role—conveyed and discussed in the videos—would already be addressed, leaving time for relevant questions and hands-on training whilst in-person.

See the University's Academic and Study Skills webpage and click ‘Further Information’ on the Resources for School Presidents and Class Representatives section (at the bottom of the webpage) to view the range of video resources available.


For further information, please contact:

Name – Katelynn E. Carver

Role - Professional Skills and Leadership Developer, Centre for Academic, Professional and Organisational Development (CAPOD)

Email –

(April 2017)

Item Number:237