Our next Student Engagement Staff Network (SESN) meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday 1st December 2022 and is now open to book! It will take place online via Zoom, from 10.00am until 1.00pm.
See the event booking page for further details and to register to attend. You can view the provisional Agenda for details of what the meeting will cover.
Please also save the date for the meeting in March 2023, which will open for bookings in the new year. Details for the May event will be published as soon as they are firmed up.
- Thursday 2nd March 2023 – online, 10.00am-1.00pm.
- view the provisional Agenda (bookings will open nearer the time) - May 2023 - joint in-person meeting with NEON and JAG (date and further details TBC).
SESN is a professional network for staff in colleges, universities and students’ associations with roles relating to the co-ordination and development of student engagement in quality.
For any further info please contact Gloria Laurini, Development Consultant - gloria.laurini@sparqs.ac.uk.