Course Rep Training

sparqs has developed and delivered a range of products for the training of course reps in Scottish institutions. These have been designed to enable students to fully engage with quality enhancement processes and help them develop confidence in their role. These training products are outlined here, all of which reps should book via their institution or students' association.

Introductory Course Rep Training

Our key CRT product is the Introductory Course Rep Training package, designed as an introduction to the role for course reps in colleges, universities and tertiary institutions.

In response to the needs of institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic, we redesigned our Introductory CRT to be delivered online. Following discussions with stakeholders, we have continued with this online arrangement.  While the majority of our training is currently delivered online, we do also offer in-person delivery, dependent on institutional needs. 

The introductory training is in two parts. The first is a self-study online module, which reps access via their institution's VLE, and the second part is a participatory workshop, delivered by sparqs Associate Trainers (ATs) or Institutional Associate Trainers (IATs). Again, reps will access this via their institution or students' association.  See the Introductory CRT page for further details on the training and delivery methods and how to make bookings. 

Other sparqs' CRT products

Our wider range of CRT products and materials below may also be of interest.  If you need specific support in training course reps for these groups of students, please get in touch.  


Please contact us to discuss your CRT needs

We are always pleased to support institutions as they consider their CRT needs for each coming year, prompting institutions to start making plans around February/March, in order that they can be ready for the new academic year.  This may involve taking sparqs' training, using our expert team of Associate Trainers to deliver CRT, or the assistance of sparqs' consultants in writing or adapting internal training materials.

For Scottish institutions still considering CRT options for 2024-25, please do contact us if you would like to discuss any of your CRT requirements.  See our CRT options and support document for information which may help with your planning (though the opportunity to join our IAT scheme for this year has now passed, due to the timing of our summer training). 

If institutions or students' associations have any other questions or requests related to CRT, please get in touch with Nicola Cameron, Business Manager - or email us at

Student Engagement Framework

National Education Officers' Network meeting

25 Feb 2025

Our second meeting of sparqs’ National Education Officers’ Network (NEON) of 2024-25 will take place on…