sparqs introduced Student Engagement Awards at the 2015 national conference to recognise formally the enormous range, breadth and quality of student engagement activity that is now taking place across our colleges and universities - partnership working between students’ associations and institutions on joint institution-wide projects, enhancements to course rep systems and exciting work going on around co-curriculum work – eloquently outlined in the first keynote of the day by the University of Lincoln. Student engagement is a key pillar of the Scottish educational system and the college and university sector – these awards go some way to recognise that fact and reward initiatives which are having a positive effect on the student experience.
Thank you for all the submissions that were entered and well done to all of the shortlisted nominees.
Congratulations to all the Award winners and runners-up! Click on each category heading below for further details of the winning entries and photos.
Category 1
Glasgow Caledonian University/Glasgow Caledonian University Students’ Association ~ GCU Engage: a model for sustainable student engagement and partnership working in higher education
Queen Margaret University Students’ Union ~ Student representation assistants: supporting academic representation and experience
Category 2
Glasgow Clyde College Students’ Association ~ Enhance your Learning and Teaching Experience (ELATE)
New College Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire College Students’ Associations ~ Engage to inspire - student delivery of staff development in practice – the perspective from college students’ associations

Category 3 (University)
The most effective course rep initiative in a university
Glasgow Caledonian University Students’ Association ~ GCU School Conferences: a picture of School specific engagement across GCU
Edinburgh University Students’ Association ~ Developing course rep engagement through institutional partnership
Category 3 (College)
The most effective course rep initiative in a college
Borders College ~ Student Representation at Borders College
Forth Valley College Students’ Association ~ Forth Valley College Students’ Association Class Rep training
Category 4
University of Abertay ~ Assessment criteria with consensus are authentic criteria: students as partners in assessment grading and feedback
Edinburgh Napier University ~ Rethinking peer, rethinking review: students’ collaboration in the review of teaching practices