19 Dec 2010

What is Student Engagement?

sparqs is starting a major new project aimed at drawing together the range of thinking, values, practices and activities relating to student engagement into a central resource.

Whenever we meet with a group of people and talk about student engagement, it is evident that people bring to the conversation with sometimes significant differences in their understanding of the issue. Even the differences between particular groups of people can be significant, for example student officers may have a different approach to teaching staff and teaching staff may have different views to senior policy makers.

Our project will not try to reach one definition of the subject but will rather bring together the range of thinking and try to reach some shared values and principles.

We will run a series of workshops with key stakeholder groups giving participants the space to explore their own understanding of student engagement and create a picture of how it fits together for them. We will then produce a consultation document around the end of the academic year, using the information from these workshops along with input from a range of practitioners. This document will facilitate discussion around the sector and help shape the final resource.

We will be running the workshop with various stakeholders including college and HE advisory groups, HMIE, QAA, Scotland’s Colleges, NUS etc. If you would like to be involved in one of these workshops or would like to suggest an opportunity to reach another group of participants please contact Eve Lewis, Head of sparqs, at eve.lewis@sparqs.ac.uk

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Student Engagement Framework

Planning for the year ahead

8 May 2024

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