6 December 2023

National Education Officers’ Network meeting


This meeting of sparqs’ National Education Officers’ Network (NEON) continued our series of half-day meetings for education officers.  NEON was set up in 2019 in response to feedback from student officers who expressed the need for a national officer network with members from both universities and colleges.

The network is designed to be a space for officers to network and work on issues together in a cross-sector capacity. This event is aimed at student officers with education remits from colleges and universities across Scotland.

View the materials from the meeting below: 

The event hashtag, for use on X/Twitter, was #sparqsNEON

Timings and practical details

The event ran from 10.00am to 1.00pm, with registration from 9.45am. The event was free to attend.  It took place online through Zoom and joining instructions were sent out to delegates in advance. 

As we were not constrained by venue size, there wa no limit to the number of participants from institutions. We still required delegates to register, so we knew numbers and could keep the event secure.


If you want to discuss this meeting further please contact Gloria Laurini, Development Consultant – gloria.laurini@sparqs.ac.uk or 07513 712586.

Online meeting security

The meeting was run using Zoom, with the following security arrangements.

You do not need an account to join the meeting and you don’t need to download the app. Simply copy and paste the link you receive in your joining instructions directly into your browser. The link is not available on social media or our website and is sent by email only to those who have registered for the event. To ensure only those who have registered join the meeting, we ask that you do not share the link with anyone. If you are not an authenticated Zoom user (i.e. you don’t have an account) you will be asked to input a password to join the meeting. When you join, you will go to a “waiting room”, a member of sparqs staff will then admit only those who have registered. If the identity of a person is not known, they will not be admitted, so please enter your name on Zoom as the name you registered to attend.

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