sparqs has created a range of different events aimed at students, institutions and students’ associations. These events focus on a range of different topics that inform or increase people's understanding of quality enhancement, in particular improving student involvement in quality.
Dates, venues and detailed information about events we run throughout the year can be found below. We also send out mailings via email communicating these events.
A meeting of sparqs’ new network for staff in universities and colleges with academic representation co-ordination roles, including training and support for course reps, senior education officers and other representatives.
An introductory training event for college student officers and students’
association staff on the national arrangements and procedures that ensure quality in Scotland’s colleges and how to use them to make change for students.
A two-day residential training event for university student officers with an education remit and students’ association staff.
Our final network event of 2015-16 for institutional or SA staff who co-ordinate training for course reps.
A half-day event for students' association officers/staff and college staff who work with data or surveys. The event focused on successful techniques for increasing survey participation and for using data to create change within institutions.
The third in our series of events for institutional or SA staff who co-ordinate training for course reps, focusing on ongoing course rep development.