8 Jun 2021

Briefing note to outgoing 2020-21 course reps

We recently circulated our latest briefing note to course reps, part of a series of briefing notes and direct communications to course reps this year, to support their work and provide extra guidance for them during COVID-19. 

This latest briefing is a message of thanks to outgoing course reps, encouraging them to reflect on the past year and the importance of the contribution they have made in their role, as well as seeking some feedback on their experience before the term finishes.  The briefing also includes a message of thanks from the NUS Scotland President, Matt Crilly.  This, and previous briefing notes can be found on the resources page of our COVID-19 information hub

We would also encourage reps who are continuing their studies in the next academic year to also consider continuing their role as a course rep!

We have sent the briefing note out to all course reps that have completed Course Rep Training delivered by sparqs, and we would encourage all students’ associations to send this on to any course reps who did not attend training, and to all course reps where institutions have delivered their own training.

If you have any questions about the resource, or the work sparqs is doing around direct communications to course reps then please get in touch with your sparqs contact.

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Student Engagement Framework

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