TQ Student Expert Group

sparqs' Tertiary Quality Student Expert Group (TQSEG) was established at the beginning of 2023-24, while the sector worked towards developing a single tertiary approach to quality for colleges and universities. The rationale was to provide a joined-up approach to the student voice within the move to Scotland's Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF), enabling students to discuss and influence the approach as it was developed.  Bringing together a group of students interested in the tertiary quality developments, the group met monthly to discuss key topics related to quality and the TQEF. In addition, volunteers from TQSEG were then matched to the various sector committees requiring student representation.

The role of the group in providing a cohesive student voice as the TQEF develops remains one of its key purposes this year, as the TQEF enters its first year. Supporting resources and guidance continue to be developed over this first implementation year and it is important that student voice remains central to the creation of these resources and processes. In addition, TQSEG continues to be regularly approached by sector agencies and national project groups for an opportunity to consult with students on sector projects and areas of policy related to learning, teaching and quality, both related to TQEF and outwith it.

A further aim and purpose of TQSEG is to maximise student representation on the key national sector committees focused on quality.  The group allows the students volunteering to sit on these committees to have the support of a peer network and of sparqs outside of each meeting.  Attendees are able to gather perspectives from their fellow students to help them contribute within the national workstreams they are involved in, as well as reporting back to TQSEG on key decisions and developments. TQSEG also provides scope for members to substitute easily if another rep is unable to attend a scheduled sector committee meeting. 

Alongside students, membership of the group also includes a few students’ association staff who are closely involved in key quality committees. We will continue to review the TQSEG at the end of each academic year to consider its remit and membership going forward.

TQSEG has proved to be a valuable initiative so far and our thanks go to all the student officers contributing to these important conversations about Scotland’s quality system, ensuring students continue to play a key role in the implementation of the TQEF and key developments in learning, teaching and quality.

TQSEG for 2024-25

Once again, in late summer 2024, we put out a call for students interested in quality, to bring together the Student Expert Group for 2024-25.

The dates for this academic year are as follows and calendar appointments have been sent to members: 

  • Tuesday 1st October 2024, 3-5pm by VC
  • Tuesday 5th November 2024, 3-5pm by VC
  • Tuesday 3rd December 2024, 3-5pm by VC
  • Tuesday 4th February 2025, 3-5pm by VC
  • Tuesday 18th March 2025, 3-5pm by VC
  • Tuesday 29th April 2025, 3-5pm by VC
  • Tuesday 20th May 2025, 3-5pm by VC

Further information

For more information or if you have any queries about the group, please contact Megan Brown, Senior Development Consultant – megan.brown@sparqs.ac.uk.

Student Engagement Framework

National Education Officers' Network meeting

25 Feb 2025

Our second meeting of sparqs’ National Education Officers’ Network (NEON) of 2024-25 will take place on…