The second meeting of sparqs’ National Education Officers’ Network (NEON) took place on Wednesday 19th February 2020! The network was set up in response to feedback from student officers who have expressed the need for a national officer network with members from both universities and colleges.
NEON is designed to be a space for officers to network and work on issues together in a cross-sector capacity. This events are aimed at student officers with education remits from colleges and universities across Scotland.
View the materials from the day below:
(the presentations may take slightly longer to open due to the size of the files)
- Agenda
- College Presentation
- Attainment and Retention Presentation (Scottish Government)
- University Presentation
The event hashtag, for use on Twitter, was #sparqsNEON
The event began at 10.00am and finished at 4.00pm. Lunch and refreshments were provided and the event was free to attend.
The creation of NEON follows the success of sparqs’ Student Engagement Staff Network (previously called ARC), a professional network for staff with academic representation co-ordination roles in universities and colleges. Following a similar model, NEON meets three times a year at different institutions across Scotland.
For more information, contact Megan Brown, Development Consultant at - 07469 354 245.