22 October 2015

Implementing a Student Partnership Agreement at your College: Action Planning Workshop


This workshop was aimed at college staff, students’ association staff and student officers, interested in developing a Student Partnership Agreement (SPA) in their college. Providing more information about how they can work and the support sparqs can offer gave a background to the project. There was then a section on developing an action plan for institutions, to take back to the College SA Framework working groups.

By the end of this session we expected participants to be able to:

  • Describe to their working group the benefits of developing an SPA.
  • Outline to the group the actions which can take the process forward, and the ways sparqs can be of use.
  • Demonstrate a way forward with their SPA using the preliminary action plan developed at the event

The agenda for the workshop can be viewed.  The event was largely discussion-based so there
are no materials as such. Participants are now equipped to deal with the review process, and can contribute more effectively to working groups which will be reviewing SPAs.

The event hashtag, for use on Twitter, was #SPA15college

The event began at 2pm and ended at 5pm.  Refreshments were provided and the event was free to attend.

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