We are in the process of contacting Course Rep Training Organisers within Scottish institutions (the person who manages and oversees course rep systems) to ask about institutional plans for Course Rep Training delivery in 2021-22. A prompt reply (even if nothing has changed) will help us plan our nationwide support for the year ahead.
sparqs can support you with training for your academic reps in 2021-22. In practice, this usually means one of these options:
a) In some cases, we take full responsibility for rep training by offering our two-part course rep training:
Part 1; a self-directed study module for reps.
Part 2; a 2-hour workshop presented by sparqs' Associate Trainers.
b) In some cases, we train the internal course rep trainers of institutions, who then deliver training in-house (using either sparqs' materials or customised institution materials).
c) In some cases, we help institutions develop or update their own internal course rep training package, which is delivered in-house.
For more detail on these CRT options, please see our 2021-22 CRT options document, including how sparqs can support you.