We are delighted to introduce our excellent team of student Associate Trainers (ATs) for the coming academic year. The team includes nine newly-recruited trainers and nine returners from previous years!
The team will begin delivering Introductory Course Rep Training (part two) from week beginning Monday 23rd September 2024 onwards. Bookings for 2024-25 are now open, as detailed in our separate CRT news article.
The team's induction process began on 26th June 2024, with an online induction day, followed by our intensive, annual, four-day 'CRT Train the Trainer' event taking place from 27th-30th August 2024, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to fulfil their role.
The 2024-25 team are as follows and their biographies can be viewed on the staff page on our website:
- Finn Link - Abertay University
- Elspeth Nicol - Abertay University
- Beth Macphee - Edinburgh Napier University
- Indre Lostyte - Glasgow Caledonian University
- Sonique Noreiga - Glasgow Kelvin College
- Hope Anderson - Queen Margaret University
- Kenny Chen - The University of Edinburgh
- Javier Moreno - UHI Inverness
- Kirsten Koss - University of Aberdeen
- Takaaki Iwai - University of St Andrews & Fife College
- Thelma Adaeze Munonye - University of Stirling
- Ellie Birchall - University of Stirling
- Katie Gethings - University of Stirling
- Duncan Weatherston - University of Strathclyde
- Madeleine Brown - University of Strathclyde
- Calum Campbell - University of Strathclyde
- Clare Hunter - University of the West of Scotland
- Uchechi Abaraji - University of the West of Scotland
We know that you will join us in extending a warm welcome to the new trainers joining us this year!