This Feature of the Student Engagement Framework looks at how Institutions can develop a culture of engagement by defining institutional approaches and priorities in a clear and accessible manner.
The 'Articles' section of the resource library contains information relating to this.
Some particularly good resource are:
- Professional standards framework for student engagement - sparqs
- An induction guide for Academic Representation Co-ordinators - sparqs
- Creating and reviewing student engagement roles - sparqs
- Developing the future careers of SA education officers: outduction toolkit - sparqs et al
- ABCD of Effective Feedback - sparqs
- Student Partnership Staircase - sparqs
- Scottish Quality Concerns Scheme in context - student guide - sparqs
- Enhancing the Student Led Teaching Awards (SLTA) Process - University of St Andrews Students Association
- Understanding the SU's key relationships: The Cadogan Matrice
- Theory of partnership: Ladder of Citizen Participation - Sherry R Arnstein
From the resource library page you can also use the resource library search box where you can input specific search terms such as -
'culture of engagement', 'priorities' or any other suitable criteria including Institution Titles and this will bring up all information relating to your search.
Newly added resources and the Top 10 Most Viewed resources can also be found on the resource library page.