Transnational Student Engagement: The Invisible Students? - Rebecca Maxwell Stuart

Master’s thesis submitted in July 2015 on student engagement in transnational education initiatives. This is where students in one country are taught on courses delivered and accredited by an institution in another country. The thesis aims to evidence student engagement practices in transnational initiatives of Scottish higher education institutions (HEIs).

A conceptual framework is introduced with the most common student ‘identities’: consumers, citizens, co-creators and partners. The research approach adopted in this thesis includes in-depth interviews with eighteen transnational students through phenomenological lenses. The findings from this research provide evidence that transnational student engagement mostly occurs at course-level, and that the majority of the respondents define student engagement as staff-led, as opposed to student-led. The main conclusion drawn from this research is that transnational student engagement is low. Finally, recommendations are offered in the form of an action plan to help improve transnational student engagement.

Author – Rebecca Maxwell Stuart

Role – Graduate from the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Research & Innovation in Higher Education (MaRIHE), Danube University Krems (Austria), University of Tampere (Finland) and Beijing Normal University (China).

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Item Number:218