ELIR Cycle 4 Practice Guide - sparqs


To support meaningful student engagement throughout the ELIR (Enhancement-led Institutional Review) process, sparqs has produced an ELIR Cycle 4 practice guide for students' association reps and staff.  It provides context and background to the process and makes suggestions of ‘what you need to do’ at each stage of the process. These tips are built on good practice in the sector and the experience of sparqs and QAA Scotland. They are particularly relevant to students’ association representatives and staff but are useful to consider for anyone involved in the review.

ELIR cycle 4 runs between 2017-2022 and more details about the process, and definitive guidance, can be found in QAA Scotland’s ELIR 4 Handbook.  QAA Scotland have also published ‘Preparing for Enhancement-led Institutional Review’ which provides advice and guidance for institutions on how to approach ELIR. 

The sparqs practice guide is designed to complement these QAA publications.

(July 2018)

Item Number:251