ELIR Cycle 4 Handbook and Guidance - QAA Scotland

A range of resources produced by QAA Scotland to help institutions, reviewers and students approach the ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ELIR) process. ELIR Cycle 4 runs between 2017-2022.  

ELIR is a process unique to the Scottish sector in a number of ways, not least the focus on student engagement. Not only does an ELIR review look in depth at how students are engaged in shaping quality at each university, it also looks at how well students are engaged in ELIR itself.

More details about the ELIR process can be found in QAA Scotland’s ELIR 4 Handbook and their ‘Preparing for Enhancement-led Institutional Review’ document, which provides advice and guidance for institutions on how to approach ELIR. 

These publications and additional guidance documents can be found on the QAA website.

In addition, to support meaningful student engagement throughout the process, sparqs has produced an ELIR Cycle 4 practice guide for students' association reps and staff, published in July 2018.  It provides context and background to the process and makes suggestions of ‘what you need to do’ at each stage of the process.



Item Number:252