Student Partnership Agreement 2020-21 - University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)


Our Student Partnership Agreement sets out how we work in partnership with the student community and sets three objectives for this work. Over recent years it has become apparent that these objectives can present result in an artificial basis for our work with areas selected for priority that may not reflect the realities of circumstances during the year. Therefore, this year we have revised the agreement to include all areas of partnership working with the student community. We then prioritise each of these as required. Progress towards these areas of work is determined by a monthly meeting of SPA partners (staff and student reps working towards them). In order to maintain the element of student democracy and accountability, a number of SMART objectives have been identified by the student body. These will be a focus of our work during the year, underneath the overall areas of partnership working.

For further information, please contact: 

Name – Kevin Sinclair
Role – Student Engagement Manager
Email –
Phone - 07796930044 

(January 2021)

Item Number:273