Surveys of Student Engagement in the UK - P.Taylor, J.Koskela, G.Lee (Univesity of Warwick)
A comparative look at the findings of the UK's National Student Survey (NSS), the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) in North America and the Australian Universities Survey of Student Engagement (AUSSE) employed in Australia and New Zealand. A report produced by Paul Taylor, Jere Koskela and Gary Lee of the University of Warwick and originally presented to the Higher Education Academy.
Item Number:160
- Online and blended learning: best practice for a successful student induction - sparqs
- Suggested questions for Course Reps to use 2024-25 - sparqs
- Online and blended learning: reflective questions for students and staff - sparqs
- The Future of Learning & Teaching: defining and delivering an effective and inclusive digital/blended offering - SFC et al
- A guide to inducting students association education officers - sparqs
- Developing the future careers of SA education officers: outduction toolkit - sparqs et al
- Creating and reviewing student engagement roles - sparqs
- Supporting Sabbatical Officers as they leave office - University of St Andrews Students
- Student Learning Experience model - sparqs
- An induction guide for Academic Representation Co-ordinators - sparqs
- Online Student Learning Experience Model - Perth College UHI
- Students as active partners in shaping their learning experience - Leeds Trinity University College
- Theory of partnership: Ladder of Citizen Participation - Sherry R Arnstein
- Understanding the SU's key relationships: The Cadogan Matrice
- Framework for the Development of Strong and Effective College Students
- ABCD of Effective Feedback - sparqs
- A Student Engagement Framework for Scotland - sparqs and sector partners
- Supporting Senior Student Officers in Universities - sparqs
- Engaging Students in Online Distance Learning - sparqs
- Hearing the Student Voice Involving Students in Curriculum Design and Development - Various